
Excursions & Incursions
At Kidopia Child Care Centre we believe that children’s early years learning is a big part of their development with focus on their social and emotional skills, cognitive development, fine motor and gross motor skills.
Our Programs are developed with the child’s interests in mind and are developed on a play base learning platform along with the national standards and the Early Years Learning Frameworks (EYLF).
We believe that each child is an individual and sees the world through different eyes and it is our duty as educators to respect this and help children grow and develop at their own pace.
We believe in hands on teaching with intentional moments creating stimulating environments to engage children in play which in turn leads to an enriched learning environment.
Portfolios are created for each child, these are personal and contain information on your child’s development, these can be view at any time.
We encourage parents feedback as it is a way in which we as a team can grow and develop so please if you have any thing you wish to share let us know, along with any special skills you may wish to share with us.
Room Configuration
0-1 Year Old Super Nova
The Supernova room is our Nursery room is led by loving and caring Diploma qualified educator. The program is based on the children's developmental milestones helping children achieve their goals, for example sitting, standing, walking, feeding themselves and beginning to say sounds and words. 0-1 is also an age where they begin to recognise themselves and their environment making a small intimate room perfect for your Child's development needs.

1-2 Year Old Star Kids
The Star Kids room is our Toddler room run by passionate Diploma qualified educator with more than 10 yrs of experience .The Star Kids room is a stepping stone to get the children ready for the next step. The program is created with the children's interests and self- help skills in mind to prepare them for the next stages of development.

2-5 Year Old Milky Way
The Milkyway room along with preschool room accommodates children from 2 to 5 yrs. There is a beautiful outdoor area that is fully covered and encourages the children to explore their environment and develop their gross motor skills. A school readiness program is delivered along with spontaneous and intentional teaching aspects. The program is delivered by our Early Childhood Teacher with more than 10 yrs of experience.

Outdoor Environment